One sec, ruling the trolls…

Peer Gynt

Old Man of Dover / Others


Henrik Ibsen

(Scroll Down!)

Directed by

Shannon Sindelar

Presented by

Barnard Theatre Department


October 2018


Minor Latham Playhouse

Put simply, Henrik Ibsen’s Peer Gynt is a mammoth of a play, even when cut down for a two-and-a-half-hour production at the Barnard Theatre Department.  Aside from the titular Peer as centerpiece, our production was truly an ensemble piece with most of us popping in as multiple characters, creatures, and silhouettes of the continually shifting world of Peer’s journey.

For my part, I enjoyed bringing life to the contrasting visions of the Mountain King: first, a snarling, scheming tyrant with a horde of devoted trolls; second, a wandering and oddly wise old man turning his attention toward a new life, perhaps on the stage.


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