One sec, styling div blocks...

Web Design

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Looking to set up a portfolio website for you or your business?
Let me help you out!

I am not a professional web designer by trade, but through some self-taught HTML/CSS and experience building websites for myself, my friends, and groups I have worked with, I have become a proficient designer using most popular services.  My favorite by far is Webflow, but I have a good deal of experience with Squarespace and enough common familiarity with the likes of Wix, Weebly, and others.

My rate for web design work is generally $40/hr, but can vary depending on the project type and scale.  Above all, I am committed to settling on an arrangement that works for all involved parties. In the contact form below, tell me a bit about what you’re looking for and we’ll go from there!

Browse below to get a sense for the websites I have constructed thus far (in addition to this one!)

Visit Site
Business website for my tutoring company
Year: 2021
Platform: Webflow

Visit Site
Portfolio Website for a dancer / producer / instructor
Year: 2022
Platform: Webflow

Visit Site
Portfolio website for a private attorney
Year: 2022
Platform: Webflow

Visit Site
Portfolio website for renovation company in Eugene, OR
Year: 20220
Platform: Squarespace

Visit Site
Organization website for an undergrad musical theatre group at Columbia
Year: 2019
Platform: Squarespace

Let's Get in Touch

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